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Tax Planning

Legacy Consultants can provide tax planning and preparation.  Whether you are setting up a new company or want to ensure that you are taking advantage of the latest tax laws, we can ensure that you maximize your earning potential.  We help clients to make sure they take advantage of tax strategies that allows them to keep as much of their hard-earned income.  On average, we are able to save clients 15% on their current tax bill, using tax strategies that have been clearly defined in the Internal Revenue Code.

Monthly Accounting

Do you know if your accountant or bookkeeper is booking entries into your records in the most tax-efficient way?  Do you have one person that opens the mail, creates invoices, and signs checks?  If you are getting to the point where you need some assistance with your daily accounting tasks, Legacy Consultants can assist you monthly as needed. We can tailor services to meet your needs. Let us help you ensure your tax exposure is limited.

Outsourced CFO Services

Are you a business that understands how your cash flow and profit differ?  Do you have an accounting employee in-house, but do you need someone that can help you develop your long-term financial goals for the business?  Do you want a CFO but think you can’t afford one?  Not knowing your numbers in your business can cost you more in lost profits and taxes than you realize.  Legacy Consultants can help you understand the complex world of financials and make it simple for you.   Let us concentrate on what we are good at so that you can concentrate on what you are good at.

Individual Financial Coaching

Legacy Consultants can also help you set and achieve financial goals for you personally and your business.  We can be someone who holds you accountable and helps you lay out a plan that is achievable for you and your team.  We can assist with money management and teach you skills such as building savings or paying down debt.  We can help you unearth what drives your financial decisions, so you can utilize better money habits.



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